The average house price on NEVILLE DAY CLOSE is £117,215
The most expensive house in the street is 3 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE with an estimated value of £130,581
The cheapest house in the street is 8 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE with an estimated value of £71,234
The house which was most recently sold was 4 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE, this sold on 26 Jan 2022 for £115,000
The postcode for NEVILLE DAY CLOSE is PE9 3NG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £75,000 14 Feb 2012
2 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Flats/Maisonettes £123,707 £77,500 24 Aug 2007
3 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £130,581 £80,000 27 Apr 2007
4 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £123,153 £115,000 26 Jan 2022
5 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £122,628 £95,000 9 Aug 2017
6 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £77,000 15 Nov 2012
7 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £80,000 11 Apr 2008
8 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £71,234 £46,950 18 Dec 2014
9 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £128,826 £90,000 30 Oct 2015
10 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Flats/Maisonettes £110,000 £87,500 17 Aug 2018
11 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £122,080 £72,500 1 Dec 2006
12 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Flats/Maisonettes £117,870 £70,000 21 Dec 2006
14 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Terraced £90,000 15 Nov 2018
15 NEVILLE DAY CLOSE Flats/Maisonettes £122,080 £72,500 1 Dec 2006